Professor Emeritus of Theatre, University of Colorado at Boulder Artistic Director Emeritus, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre
美國科羅拉多大學戲劇舞蹈系榮休教授,香港話劇團榮休藝術總監,莎士比亞權威名導 - 楊世彭
穿著 格蘭訂製禮服 出席國際重要場合,紳士優雅儀表 場場精彩演出
格蘭深獲國際大導演的肯定 !
二十年來和平兄一直努力把台灣品牌的精製西服推展到國際平台,最簡便的辦法就是參加亞洲地區及歐美地區的國際西服比賽。他從2000年起就經常參加這類行家的活動,也得過不少獎項,其中最令人稱道的就是2005年全國男裝比賽榮獲第一名,代表台灣參加德國第31屆“世界洋服聯盟年會”榮獲金針金線獎 “男裝總亞軍”的大獎;四年後在第33屆的年會中,他又獲得“男裝創意設計首獎”;由於這些榮銜,曾獲歷任總統及副總統六次召見表揚。
我個人頗重服飾,過去也在台北香港訂製過好幾套西服,也曾購置大量英國及意大利名牌的服裝。結識和平兄後,我也曾在格蘭訂製兩套西服及一套Loro Piana凱西米毛料的便裝及搭配西褲。以我的觀察,和平兄的精製作品絕不比歐洲一級裁縫遜色,而他在量身試身方面的細緻,更不是一般訂製西服裁縫所能比擬。因此,我願把他推薦給國內外的西服愛好者,即使是那些多方挑剔的顧客。
楊 世 彭
Preface to Peace Chen's 100 Tips for Suit Style
Peace Chen (Chen Heping 陳和平) is a legend among Taiwan bespoke suit tailors. He started his career in 1976. In 1989 he became a disciple of the most noted Shanghai tailor in Taipei who at the time ran the Grand Tailor shop on the Chung Shan Road North. Three years later, at age 29, he took over that operation and became the most noted tailor in Taiwan ever since. In the ensuing two decades Mr. Chen took part in international competitions and won major awards at the World Congress of Master Tailors, notably the 2nd place winner of men's suits at the 31st Congress in Berlin in 2005, and the Champion of Creative Design award at the 2009 Congress at Salzburg, Austria.
I got to know Mr. Chen two years ago when I directed the Off-Broadway award-winner comedy Other People's Money in Taipei. In that play the male lead Lawrence Garfinkle was a successful Wall Street liquidation expert who wears expensive bespoke suits. My costume designer was able to persuade Mr. Chen to take on that project. The result was not only the male lead had expensive-looking suits, the female lead and the second male lead also wore excellently tailored clothes. Mr. Chen apparently took only a nominal fee, for our costume budget was pittance when compared with the usual amount he charges his customers.
I have had two suits and a Loro Piana cashmere sports coat ensemble made at Mr. Chen's store. Before then I had had a number of bespoke suits made in Taipei and Hong Kong, and I had purchased quite a number of ready-made ones made by famous brands in Italy and England. I should say that the suits and the sports coat made by Mr. Chen were definitely superior--not only in the painstaking details in measurement and fittings, but also in material selection. I won't hesitate a moment to recommend him to other international customers, even the most discriminating ones.
I should also add that Mr. Chen is a well-known figure in Taipei society, a fine gentleman with good taste and a most pleasing personality. You'd be lucky if you became a friend of his.
Daniel S. P. Yang
Professor Emeritus of Theatre
University of Colorado at Boulder
Artistic Director Emeritus, Hong Kong Repertory Theatre
2016 亞洲洋服聯盟大會 國際服裝走秀 燕尾服
國際名模 陳軍豪 穿著格蘭訂製西服
和平與台灣 韓國 日本 Model 在後台開心合影